Halsey recently dropped by the Elvis Duran and the Z100 Morning Show and together, they chatted about her crazy cooking skills, her forever-changing style (which is amazing, BTW) and the inspiration behind new record, Nightmare.



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favorite look from nightmare vid: go

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Halsey explains, “I was thinking about the way my experiences relate to my fans.   One of the things that a lot of myself, and a lot of my young female fans of mine have, is the experience of when someone is telling you to smile. At some point, some man will look at you say, ‘Ay, why don’t you smile? You’re so frigid. She would be so much nicer if she smiled. What a pretty face, you should just smile.’ And you’re like, ‘I don’t want to!'”




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no sweet dream, but im one hell of a night ?? 5.17

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Halsey continues, “It you don’t, then the narrative about you becomes, ‘Oh that girls such a nightmare. She’s so difficult, she’s such a nightmare.’  I used to not like that, and I was like, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t want anyone to think I’m a nightmare. I don’t want people to think I’m mean or rude.’ So I found myself in situations smiling when I didn’t want to smile or being nice to people who probably didn’t deserve it. Not anymore, I’d rather be a nightmare than a bunch of jerks get away with forcing me into some kind of complacency, or some kind of convenience or positivity because they want to see it. It’s for their own entertainment, and it makes them more comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a famous person, or any person we can all relate to that experience.”


In terms of style, which changes often, Halsey explains, “I fall in love with looks when I’m in a mood or I’m feeling like a character, like a vibe or something like that but it changes so quickly.  I’m lucky that I can pull off a lot of it.”




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thank u for an incredible release week. i hope ur enjoying Nightmare & if u haven’t listened yet, listen NOW ????:@samdameshek

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Watch the video for Nightmare below.


Filed under: halsey