My heart is just exploding with happiness and smiles right now!


‘Old Town Road’ is one of the catchiest songs out – and it’s loved by many across the world.  It’s dominated the number one spot on the Billboard charts which, would put a smile on any artist’s face however, Lil Nas X has another reason to smile when it comes to his smash hit – a little boy named Daniel.


4-year old Daniel who has autism, has FOUND HIS VOICE THROUGH MUSIC! Daniel, who is nonverbal, began humming Old Town Road and then sang the lyrics, all on his own.  Daniel’s mom tweeted, “We had an #oldtownroad miracle at my house.  My son Daniel has autism and doesn’t talk.  We caught him humming the Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus tune the other day.  Then  Bless God, my baby started singing the song on his own.  His therapists have started to use it in his sessions!”  Lil Nas X saw the video and in response, tweeted, “What a king.”



Since Daniel’s mom posted the video, it has gone super viral.  Daniel’s mom told ABC News, “All of a sudden, he starts singing those words, ‘I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road.’  And I was like, ‘Oh my God, my child is singing something we didn’t teach him.'”


This is truly a miracle!


Filed under: lil-nas-x