Directed by Frank Borin, The Chainsmokers and 5 Seconds of Summer dropped a brand new music video for their latest collaboration, ‘Who Do You Love.’  As Billboard notes, “‘Who Do You Love; currently sits at No. 54 on the Billboard Hot 100. The official music video follows a jammin’ joint that shows off some serious drum skills. Watch this battle of the bands and decide who wins for yourself below.”


And talk about battle of the … drummers! The Chainsmokers’ drummer Matt McGuire and 5 Seconds of Summer’s Ashton Irwin went head-to-head in this new video, playing the drums to the beat of ‘Who Do You Love.’  Watch below.




ALSO … if the music video wasn’t enough, The Chainsmokers have announced they’re officially dropping a THIRD album!!! Their third album, called ‘World War Joy.’  World War Joy is also the name of their upcoming North American Tour (of the same name) is the followup to their 2018 album ‘Sick Boy,’ in which the talented duo released a record almost every month in 2018.  The Chainsmokers have already released a track from that album, ‘Who Do You Love’ with 5 Seconds of Summer.



The Chainsmokers released what looks to be the album track list, with nine records scratched off (and only Who Do You Love showing).  It’s safe to say, we’re getting ten new tracks from The Chainsmokers in 2019.



And this is another … dropping tomorrow!! The Chainsmokers’ ‘Kills You Slowly’ is the name.

Filed under: 5 seconds of summer, the-chainsmokers