This is a TRUE story – for the first time EVER, BTS is heading to SNL as the musical guest on April 13!



Actress Emma Stone will return to the SNL stage to host and to announce the exciting news about BTS, SNL created a hilarious video of Emma getting her BTS-Army on.


The clip includes Emma has she hosts an onstage slumber party.  As Emma waits patiently for BTS to arrive, the party also includes Melissa Villaseñor, Ego Nwodim, Kate McKinnon and Heidi Gardner, who are all cast members on SNL.  In the clip Emma gushes, “I am camping out on this stage until BTS gets here.”

And apparently, Emma is a HUGE fan of BTS.  Back in 2015 while chatting with Conan O’Brien, Emma explained, “It’s a global phenomenon.  It’s beyond excellent. It’s the best thing you’ve ever seen.”


According to FORBES, “SNL is a highly coveted stage for any performer with the ability to bring an artist to new heights of their career—a pre-fame Adele performing on a late 2008 episode went on to the highest-rated episode in 14 years and sent her 19 album to new highs on the charts. The stage is also notoriously difficult to play with it sometimes fumbling with stars’ careers, if just temporarily (e.g. Lana Del Rey, Ashlee Simpson).” 


This will be BTS’ debut SNL performance and if they perform like they did on The Tonight Show, this could be their huge crossover break.



And don’t forget – BTS’ new album Map of the Soul: Persona drops on Friday!!


Filed under: bts, Emma Stone, saturday-night-live