Sam Smith released a powerful collaboration with Demi Lovato, and is now gushing about her in a new interview with SiriusXM Hits 1’s Morning Mash Up.




Sam reveals, “The thing that I love about her the most is that she lays all her cards out on the table.  She’s having a human experience in front of everyone. I think in this pop world that we’re in … we get characters presented to us. She has never been afraid to lean into the uncomfortable when it comes to herself and her story and what she’s gone through.”


So what makes Sam and Demi get along so well? As he explains, it all comes down to their ‘mutual vulnerability, out in the world and with another,’ “ When I was sitting in the studio with her, we just sat and we spun for hours and hours. I was so happy to know that she was just like me,” Smith said. “I just find her really inspiring.”  Sam also revealed he and Demi are both ‘attracted to honest when it comes to friendships.’



And in another part of the interview, Sam opens up about One Direction and gives his opinion if whether or not the guys should reunite, “They should do it, and they should do it soon.  It would look odd, wouldn’t it, if they’re, like, 60 and doing it.”  Watch below.

Filed under: Demi Lovato, Sam Smith